Related Links in Invasive Species
California has many research labs and professional organizations that commit to study invasive species. Here are some of the many websites that are devoted to promoting the knowledge of invasive species. If you are looking for additional information, please see the websites listed below.
Invasive Species Council of California
The ISCC represents the highest level of leadership and authority in state government regarding invasive species. The ISCC is an inter-agency council that helps to coordinate and ensure complementary, cost-efficient, environmentally sound and effective state activities regarding invasive species. The ISCC was established February 10, 2009. The ISCC approved the ISCC By-Laws and California Invasive Species Advisory Committee Charter on April 8, 2009.
UC Integrated Pest Management
Integrated pest management (IPM) is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on long-term prevention of pests and pest damage through a combination of techniques such as biological control, habitat manipulation, modification of cultural practices, and use of resistant varieties.
USDA Invasive Species Information Center
The National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC) was established in 2005 at the National Agricultural Library to meet the information needs of users including the National Invasive Species Council. The Web site serves as a reference gateway to info, organizations, and services about invasive species.
USGS Invasive Species Program
Working collaboratively with partner agencies and organizations, USGS provides the tools, technology, and information supporting efforts to prevent, contain, control, and manage invasive species nationwide.
Don't Move Firewood.org
The ‘Don’t Move Firewood’ website was developed building on conversations under the auspices of the Continental Dialogue on Non-Native Forest Insects and Diseases. The Continental Dialogue is a group of organizations and individuals that cultivates and catalyzes collaborative action among diverse interests to abate the threat to North American forests from non-native insects and diseases. The website is owned by The Nature Conservancy as part of its efforts to support the actions of the Continental Dialogue.
The overall objective of Invasive.org is to provide an accessible and easy to use archive of high quality images related to invasive and exotic species, with particular emphasis on educational applications.
Monash University, The Weed Information Network
Monash University's Weed Information Network has been designed to help stakeholders in natural resource management learn more about invasive plants and weed control systems. The key aim of the site is to foster ongoing agroecosystems viability and resilience in an environment of changing human priorities.
University of Florida - Center for Tropical Agriculture (UF-CTA)
From the Potential Invasive Pests Workshop held in October 2010, this website hoist the schedule and meeting presentations.