
Content Marked with: Aquatic Invasive Species


CISR: Didymo (or Rock Snot)

The Situation: Didymo or rock snot, is a highly invasive species of freshwater diatom that can form large and extensive mats in rivers, streams, and lakes. Didymo is native to cool temperate areas of the northern Hemisphere including Europe, North America, and Asia. In 2004, didymo was discovered infesting freshwater rivers in the South Island...
By CISR Team |
Chytrid Fungus

CISR: Chytrid Fungus

The Situation: Upwards of 40% of amphibian species are in decline worldwide, owing to several factors such as habitat loss, environmental degradation, pollutants, and disease. Recently the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has emerged as a major threat to amphibians. Amphibians infected with B. dendrobatidis develop chytridiomycosis, which eventually causes death in susceptible species. The first...
By CISR Team |
Quagga & Zebra Mussles

CISR: Quagga & Zebra Mussles

The Situation: Quagga and zebra mussels are aquatic invasive species that are native to eastern Europe. The quagga mussel originated from Dnieper River drainage of Ukraine. The zebra mussel was first described from the lakes of southeast Russia and its natural distribution also includes the Black and Caspian Seas. Quagga and zebra mussels get their...
By CISR Team |
Caulerpa taxifolia

CISR: Caulerpa taxifolia

The Situation: Caulerpa taxifoliais an invasive alga that is causing serious environmental problems in the Mediterranean Sea. This invasive weed was discovered in southern California and New South Wales, Australia in 2000. Caulerpa taxifolia was officially eradicated from southern California in 2006. Caulerpa taxifolia is native in tropical waters with populations naturally occurring in the...
By CISR Team |
New Zealand Mud Snail

CISR: New Zealand Mud Snail

The Situation: As the common name indicates, this invasive pest is native to New Zealand. New Zealand mud snail has had a long invasion history. It was first found in the United Kingdom in 1859, the western Baltic in Europe in 1887, the Mediterranean and eastern Europe were invaded in the 1950’s. The snail has...
By CISR Team |
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