
Content Marked with: Plant Invasive Species

African Fountain Grass

CISR: African Fountain Grass

The Situation: African fountain grass, Pennisetum setaceum (Forssk) Chiov., is invasive outside its native range in Northern Africa and has been damaging native ecosystems in Hawaii. It is now an increasingly problematic weed in California. As a common landscape ornamental, it is now widely planted in southwestern states. Fountain grass seeds may disperse readily from...
By CISR Team |
arundo rio grande

CISR: Giant Reed, or Arundo

The Situation: Arundo donax, also known as giant reed or arundo, is native to Eastern Asia but has been widely planted around the world because this plant has a variety of practical uses. Arundo has been used for walking sticks, fishing poles, musical instruments, and recently it is being investigated as a biofuel source. Arundo...
By CISR Team |
Russian Thistle

CISR: Russian Thistle

The Situation: Russian thistle, commonly known as tumbleweed, is a profusely branched annual herb. Its efficient taproot, abundant seed production and reduced leaf surface adapt this weed well to disturbed semiarid agricultural environments, rangeland and nonagricultural areas such as vacant resident lots and railroad or highway rights-of-way. It has become pervasive as an exotic weed...
By CISR Team |

CISR: Saltcedar

Damage: Once established, saltcedar is tolerant to high salinity and secretes salt at a high rate which is deposited on the soil surface to the detriment of native plant species. Saltcedar increases fire frequency within the riparian habitats it dominates because of its high levels of dead leaves and branches that provide fuel for fires...
By CISR Team |
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