
Content Marked with: Thrips

Western Flower Thrips

CISR: Western Flower Thrips

The Situation: In southern California, the native western flower thrips (WFT) Frankliniella occidentalis is the most common vector responsible for transmission of an exotic plant virus, Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV). The pathogen was discovered on tomatoes in 1915 in Australia, and has been spreading around the world ever since. TSWV is a tospovirus (Bunyaviridae)...
By CISR Team |
Avocado Thrips

CISR: Avocado Thrips

The Situation: Avocados are subtropical perennial fruit trees 6-10 meters in height. California produces 95% of the nation’s crop, and 85% of this harvest is from one cultivar, the black fruit Hass avocado. Annually, 6,000 growers in California produce 260 million pounds of fruit on 65,000 acres, and the harvest in 2007 was worth $245...
By CISR Team |
Myoporum Thirps

CISR: Myoporum Thrips

The Situation: In southern California, Klambothrips myopori Myoporum, a plant genus native to Australia and New Zealand. This thrips causes considerable leaf deformation through the feeding activity of larvae and adults. This pest is likely native to Australia or New Zealand where it is probably a specialist on members of Myoporum. Damage: The plant species...
By CISR Team |
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